Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Episode 2 - The first Dates and Matching Ceremony

Colleen: Wow! The island looks beautiful… I heard this is the same island where one of R&J  shows was hosted… Just can’t remember which season…

Scot: Mmm… I think it was the 4th season… They were exploring the island… 

Colleen: Yep… They did… Hey! What’s that?

Scot: What?

Colleen: Over there… In the middle of the two islands… Do you see it?

Scot: Buildings in the middle of the ocean? Wow! I can’t remember they mentioned anything about that…

Colleen: Yep… This must be new… I wonder if the others also saw this…?

 Scott: Let’s find out…

Colleen: Guys!!!

Scot: I don’t think they heard you…

Colleen: Wow! That is interesting… I can’t wait to tell them about it…

Laurey: I know I’m your friend Tim’s date but… You know…

T-Roll: Mmm… Tellsh meesh why you want to with meesh…?

Laurey: … I don’t know… Maybe he is too young for me…

T-Roll: Butsh weish almost the same age…

Laurey… Hehe… That’s true…

Tim: Laureo…? I know you like me a lot but pleasssse… It tickles...

Laureo: Oh sorry… *blushing*

Colleen: Guys! Listen here…!

Scot: We have interesting news to tell you….

Laureo: What? Did you woo woo in the hot air balloon?

Colleen: *blushing* Don’t be ridiculous… 

Lillian: So tell us then the great news that you got…

Scot: Come guys we will show you…

Gerard: Show?

Colleen: Just come with us!

T-Roll: What’sh that? Itsh almost looksh likesh my momma’s castle… Butsh just not in the sea…

Laurey: Can we go there?

Tim: How? I can’t swim…

Gerard: I think I saw two boats docked nearby… Just hope they okay…

Scot: Aren’t you guys coming?

Tim: Are you sure the boat is okay? Won’t it sink?

Laurey: Come on guys… If you don’t want to go I will leave without you…

Lillian: What do you think are those buildings?

Laurey: It looks like houses but Idk… 

Colleen: Wow! It looks incredible… Like something out of a fairytale.. I wonder if there are people living here…

Laureo: It doesn’t look like it… I don’t see any people around…

Paparazzi Girl: What are you guys doing here?

Gerard: What are you doing here?

Paparazzi Girl: I saw you guys come here so I came to also investigate…

Scot: Hey guys look! There is someone at that big house over there…

Scott: OMG! Look! It must be a mermaid… She's got a tail…

But the only one that saw her was Scot… They look all over the place, but it was abandoned… No mermaid nothing…

The Paparazzi girl also couldn’t tell them anything… This is also the first time she has seen this place… She was visiting one of her friends at one of the smaller islands when she also saw this place…  

Gerard: Aww, guys let’s go back…

Laureo: Yep I’m hungry too…

Laureo: Wow! This food are delicious… 

 Colleen: Guys I think I’m stuffed now… Any one want my left overs?

Scot: I promise you guys I saw her with my own eyes…

Tim: Yeah yeah… We believe you…

Laurey: It’s a pity I didn’t see any mermen… Maybe we must come back another time when we have more time… I would like to meet a mermaid and get to know one better...

Tim: I don’t know… Mermaids? Real mermaids… 

T-Roll: Meesh momma telsh me a lot of mermaid stories… There wash thish story aboutish Ariel…

Laurey: Yes we know that story… The mermaid gave her voice to the sea witch because she wanted to be with a human...

T-Roll: Really? Yoursh momma also tellsh you that story?

Laureo: Scot… I just want to say I also saw the mermaid…

Scot: You did?

Colleen: Why didn’t you say anything…?

Laureo: Aww… I saw the others faces when you told them… Hey look!

Colleen: What? Is it the mermaid again?

Laureo: No… Look there’s a horse… A white one… *running off to watch the horse* 

Scot: You see… I didn’t lie about the mermaid…

Colleen: I believe you… Maybe those buildings are where the mermaids live…

Scot: You really think so?

Colleen: Yeah… it’s just strange that it’s above the water and not under water…

Scot: Yeah… Maybe there’s something that pushed it above the water…

Colleen: Yep maybe it was like an earthquake… Who knows?

Laurey: Look I love my granddaughter but I think the two of us are more a match than the two of you… Don’t you think?

T-Roll: A matchsh…?

Laurey: Yeah… Like in man and women… You know like your momma and your dad, together?

T-Roll: Oh… Meesh knowsh what you meansh… You wantsh to marrysh me?

Laurey: Oh god no… But we can have a fun time together on this show…

T-roll: Funsh…? Likesh dancing? Meesh wantsh to dance with Laureo…  Shesh so purtysh… Shesh my true love…

Laurey: Oh man! Just go! But I warn you... She doesn’t like you… You can try… But I know my granddaughter… You are not her type…!

T-Roll: ….

Laurey: Just go!

Laureo: I’m sorry my grandma left me with you…

Tim: Oh no… you’re doing me a favor…  So your grandma…? Is she always compulsive like this? Does she really think she will get a young guy fall in love with her?

Laureo: Hehe… My grandma is a great women if you get to know her better… And who knows? Maybe she gets the guy she wants… 

Tim: And this guy is T-Roll? She's got her eye on him… That’s for sure…

Laureo: Aww… Maybe… But she doesn’t really share her thoughts with me… 
Sometimes she’s just a mystery for me like she is for all of you guys…

Gerard: Thanks for going on a date with me…

Lillian: Aww… It’s a pleasure… But I thought you would ask Brianna on a date…

Gerard: Hehe… You overheard us the other day…

Lillian: Hehe… I couldn’t missed it… 

Gerard: I thought you were sleeping…

Lillian: Mmm…. 

T-Roll: Cansh we be friendsh again?

Laurey: Oh well its better than nothing… 

And so ends the first date of this season… With the mystery of the houses in the middle of the ocean…

 Back Home...

Mmm Brianna finished her painting… Isn't it beautiful? Maybe we can put it in the Yellow Room...

Alani: So who do you think of the four couples is a perfect match…?

Victoria: I don’t know and I don’t care…

Alani: But you need to vote for someone… 

Victoria: I will think about it…

"THIS IS SCANDALOUS!!! First of I didn't win this challenge, and then I don't even get chosen, instead the literally ugliest girls in this house go on a date?!?! Okay, not the ugliest, Brianna also wasn't chosen. She clearly got the hots for this shampoo addict Scot, but he got chosen by this other black chick. I'm only waiting for her to crack so I can totally destroy her. Maybe Brianna wouldn't be so ugly with bleach..."

Berry: Mmm… I think they would be a perfect match…. What if … I’m worried about Maxwell… He has been acting a bit strange. He is actually the twin brother of Max Radcliffe who visited him once on the Mole. That visit nearly had him lost his life as Thomas ended up kicking him in the head. While he ended up surviving, it caused some brain damage into his head and kinda changed his entire personality.

Lavender: I’m sure they are a perfect match… 

Later the evening.... The Truth Booth:

Jade: Okay guys… With seven votes you chose Laureo and T-roll to be in the truth booth… Do you think they are a match? 

Everybody: We hope so!

Jade: You can really  stand closer together, you know… I don’t think she will bite you T-Roll…

Jade: Aww… That’s better so lets see if they are a match…

Lock in… Lock in…. 

Jade: Aww man they are not a match…

Everybody: Noooooo…….. They so cute together…

And the Matching Ceremony...

Jade: So are you ready to choose your partners for the week?

Everybody: Yes!

Jade: Okay the girls start this season first… Brianna you are up first…

Jade: Okay who do you want to choose?

Brianna: I think…. Russell.

Jade: So Russell… Are you happy with your partner…?

Russell: Do I think she’s my perfect match? Maybe… hehe

Jade: Okay next up is Lavender…

Jade: So who do you want to choose this week?

Lavender: Larry and I didn’t start well… So maybe we need to get to know each other better… What do you think?

Larry: Mmm we can try… *Jesus, this Lavender chick and I got off on the wrong foot at the start, and now she wants ME to be her partner??? Well, something about the way she looks does remind me of my ex. Hmm...you think she actually likes me? Let's see.*

Jade: Okay then… Let’s see… Who’s up next?

Andi: I think it’s me…

Jade: So who do you want as your partner this week?

Andi: Maxwell… He looks kind of cute…

Jade: Hehe… Maxwell do you think you and Andi can be a perfect match?

Maxwell: Yes! I will like that!

Jade: Okay let’s see if you are a perfect match… So Alani it’s your turn…

Jade: So who will it be…

Alani: Awww… I think Sergeant and I can try…

Jade: Cool! 

Jade: Actually you look cute together… So Sergeant what do you think of Alani…?

Sergeant: Alani are okay…

Jade: Only okay…?

Sergeant: Okay… She’s smart… Good looking…. And I hope we are a match…

Jade: That’s the spirit… Okay Hope up next…

Jade: So Hope do you think you met your perfect match already?

Hope: Mmm… I’m not sure but I hope so…

Jade: So who is it?

Hope: Edgar…

Jade: Aww Mr Edgar how do you like this lady?

Edgar: Mademoiselle J… It’s to soon to tell… But let’s see…

Jade: Okay then… Hope for the best… hehe… Victoria….

Jade: Luckily for you you still have two guys to choose from… Who will it be?

Victoria: Mmm the guy in the suite and the hat… He looks so handsome…

Jade: Mmmm… The guy with no words to say… good luck… Okay the Tooth fairy don’t have a partner this week… Awww… Don’t worry… We are still in the beginning of the season and I know you got a perfect match… Just be patient… Hehe…

Jade: Okay are you ready to see how many matches you have…?

Everybody: Yes!

Jade: You wanna guess before we start?

Sergeant: Two… Three…

Jade: That will be good hey… So lets see… Lights!

Jade: Okay… Come on….

Everybody: Yay! There's One….!

Jade: Let’s see if there is more…

Jade: Wow! Another one… !

Everybody: Woot! Woot! And another one…. !

But after awhile it’s only three…

Jade: Three for your first try are Awesome! Good work guys and girls… Let’s keep up the good work…

Lillian: But who is it?

Jade: Aww… Sorry can’t tell… At least you know Laureo and T-Roll isn’t a match…  

Laureo: Thank the Tooth Fairies for that! 

Berry: What?

Laureo: Never mind…

Jade: Okay guys and girls, time to go back to the AYTO house… Good Night!

Until Next time!!