Saturday, March 25, 2017

Episode 11 - It's Baby Luau Time!

Colleen: Wow! guys! We almost did it!

Laureo: Then it's time to celebrate! Woot!

Alani: I have a great plan! Will you help me?

Lavender: What are going on in that dark little head of yours? Mmmm?

Alani: I heard from Colleen that the government want to take Sergeant's baby from him. But we can't let him go without a proper Luau....

Lavender: Luau?

Alani: It’s a type of celebration that's been happening for centuries in many cultures around the world. Most children didn’t live to the age of one due to a lack of the medical advancements that we’re fortunate to have today. In ancient Hawaii, children who beat the odds were honored with a huge feast, better known as a paina or ahaaina. The newer term (first baby luau) came about in the 1850s, referring to the luau leaves in laulau served at the gathering.

Lavender: Wow, that's interesting... So do you want to hold this party for the baby?

Alani: Yep!  Will you help me with the arrangements?

Lavender: I'm game! Let's do it!

And they did it! 
Everybody is gathering for Collin's birthday a few days later at this cute venue....

Alani: Wow! Brianna did a good job with Collin's painting...

Isn't that so cute...?

Sergeant: Mmm... Let me take some photo's together...

Then he takes Collin for a ride...

Edgar and Hope were glad they can dance with the flower again...

Edgar: Aww that was fun!

Hope: It was... I wonder where Alani got that flower from? I thought it was only available from our dating place...

Edgar: Mmm...

Hope: Did you arranged for that? *looking at him with surprise*

Edgar: Maybe...

Hope: Aww... You're so thoughtful... I guess you had seen how much I loved it back there...

Edgar: Mmmm...

Hope: Aww thank you...

Tim: Mmm... Where did I put it.... 

Maxwell: Where did Tim go? Wasn't he just here a moment ago...? Oh well, let's have a jelly bean... They say it's magical... 

Laurey: Mmm... Will I do it now? 

Laureo: Haha... What did you have for lunch...? You're blue and glowing...

Alani: Really? *looking at her hands* Ooh, I thought the people were lying when they said the jelly beans are magical... I guess they were right after all... Just hope it wearing off in a while...

Lavender: So I guess you and Alani are a perfect match...

Berry: Mmm... It looks like that...

Lavender: So, are you going to marry her?

Berry: Maybe... Will you marry Nael...

Lavender: Mmm... I don't know about that one... 

Lillian: So what is your plan with Colleen?

Scot: What do you mean?

Lillian: I saw you flirted with the other girls... Why can't you just be faithful to one girl? 

Tim: So I still don't know who is my match... I end up with Brianna this round, though... Everybody say she is... But I'm not sure about that...

Maxwell: Can't you see it? We all know that Hope and Edgar are a perfect match... So it's obvious that you two are a match...

Tim: But what if we are all wrong...? What if Edgar and Alani is a match and Hope and Berry... So then it's 2 other couples that aren't a match... 

Victoria: Russell and I are definitely not...   I agree with Tim. You guys are wrong.... Russel is wrong... 

Colleen: ...

T-roll: Watsh out guys! Heresh meish comsh!

Victoria: Tim.....

Tim: What?

Victoria: What you're doing...?

Tim: Nothing...

And our little birthday guy had made some friends... Awww so cute...

Another one bites the dust... hehe

Oh, my.... What happened to T-Roll? He just got fat...

And Gerard...? Who does he want to impress?

And everybody is having fun...

Then it's time to blow the candles... (don't worry he didn't grow up. Or he did but I didn't save it)

Back at the AYTO house
Maxwell: Since I feel pretty confident that Laureo is the "one", I have decided to confess something to her. I have decided to admit I am not a supreme leader but a leader of a group of 34 pranksters who commit laughable crimes. I like pretending to be a supreme leader so I state that I am a supreme leader.

Laureo: "Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo...... I was bored. And I hate being bored. Being bored is soooo establishment etc, and I'm no establishment puppet, darlin', so twas time to have fun!

You know how we played real life Cluedo a while ago? Me thinks it's time for a new game... REAL LIFE HANGMAN!! Isn't that AMAZING?! :D :D :D

Oh, Maxweeeeeeell!!"

Later... Maxwell is standing on a chair, with a rope tied around his neck. Laureo is standing next to it.
Maxwell: "Are you sure about this?"

Laureo: "Of course! If you get it right, you win and you can go. If you lose or give up I'll pull away the chair. Let's begin! 5 letters!"

Maxwell: "Oh god what's my life gotten to? Err... E?"

Laureo: "Yup. Second letter."

Maxwell: "Oh great! A?"

Laureo: "Third letter."

Maxwell: "Hmm... M?"

Laureo: "Nope."

Maxwell: "Oh s-!"

Laureo: "O is incorrect as well. 1 more mistake and you lose."

Maxwell: "... S?"

Laureo: "Correct."

Maxwell: "Thank goodness... N?"

Laureo: "Correct."

Maxwell: "That's _EANS... Is the word Beans?"

Laureo: "Fuck. You win."

Maxwell: "Oh my... Phew."



*Laurey runs in*


Laureo: "Sorry grams... He just didn't look too bright..."
Laurey: ".. I forgive you. Now let's go and bother Sergeant Grey again."

Laureo: "Okidoki!"

*The Lemon-Limes run away, yelling out "Kinky" several times*

Maxwell: "Eheeheh..... Can someone help me off this chair, please? Anyone?"


Laurey: "Sooo... I'm going on 70 tomorrow, so of course, I must celebrate. And what better way to do than a PARTY?! :D I got me some concept plans already:
  - Dress code: Topless and bottomless
  - Food: Too much to digest properly
  - Drinks: Lots of booze
  - Program: Intoxicating house, trance and dance, and Lots. Of. Debauchery. (who said Sergeant has to be the only kinky person?)
It's gonna be a blast, watch my words. ;) ;) ;)"

Colleen: Oh boy, 8 matches! Looks like the season is ending soon. I'm glad that almost everyone found their perfect match by now and it seems like most of them are happy about it. Well, I don't know about Victoria and Russel *chuckles* but who knows? Maybe they were meant to be.

I guess I should talk to Scot and tell him how I feel. We shouldn't leave like this. I'm not angry at him anymore...he's just not the type of guy I was looking for. It's fine...and I'm sure he'll understand.

I wanna give Sergeant another chance, though. At first, I wasn't sure how to feel about him and the alien baby but after spending the last days with them it felt like we were a happy little family. I wish he could keep little Collin but that's probably not going to happen. His mom should pick him up, though. I don't want him to be taken by the government! Poor little thing...

Anyways...I'm going to find Scot now. Thinking about it, I actually haven't seen him around lately. Hmm...

Colleen walks up to Scot's room and knocks. No answer. She opens the door just to find a mess: used clothes on the floor, a messy bed and even a fallen over chair. Colleen shudders.

Colleen: Ugh I guess Scot isn't one of the tidiest people in the world...

She walks to the kitchen where Gerard and Lillian are having breakfast together.

Colleen: Hey, have you seen Scot? I need to talk to him.

Gerard: Hm? Scot? Sorry, I only had eyes for Lillian this morning...hehe

Lillian *blushes*: I haven't seen him either. Maybe he's still sleeping?

Colleen: I already looked in his room. He just left a mess there but no trace of him. I'll keep looking. Thanks.

Colleen walks through the whole AYTO house looking in every room but Scot is nowhere to be found. "He can't just be gone", Colleen thinks to herself. "Where is he?"
In the living room, she finds T-Roll watching TV.

Colleen: Hey T-Roll. Have you seen Scot? I've been looking for him all around the house but can't find him.

T-Roll: Oh me sheesh him in the garden the other day. Maybe he goesh there again.

Colleen: Thanks, I'll check it out!

Colleen walks outside but she can't find him in the garden nor anywhere else around the house. She slowly starts to get concerned. "What if something happened to him? Was he also abducted by aliens?"

She goes back inside to investigate Scot's room. On her way, she runs into Victoria.

Victoria: I heard you've been looking for Scot. You won't find him here, I can tell you that.

Colleen: What? Where is he?

Victoria: He likes to sneak out the house at night and most of the time only gets back in the afternoon. I don't know what exactly he's doing but I can very well imagine it.

Colleen: Seriously? How long has he been doing that?

Victoria: Hmm I'm not sure. I just found out about it last week when I wa....

Colleen: LAST WEEK? Why didn't you tell me?

Victoria: It's not my duty to tell you everything I see! Besides, it didn't look like you really cared for him that much. You rather spend time with Sergeant and that filthy alien creature. Blech!

Colleen: HEY! Don't talk about Collin like that!

Victoria: Collin? Seriously? You named that thing after you? Bahahahaha

Colleen: That's none of your business!

Colleen angrily storms away. "Ugh! why was I even nice to her the other day?", she thinks while collapsing into a chair. "Can I believe her story about Scot though? It sounds like something he would more reason why the two of us don't match."

Andi: 8 matches!

Larry: You think we're one of them?

Andi: Oh, definitely. Hope and Edgar are obviously the 9th.

Larry: And that leaves Alani and Berry as the 10th.

Andi: I guess that means we're close to the end, huh?

Larry: Yeah, just when things were starting to get good. But I'm glad I chose you two weeks ago.

Andi: Same. I'm just so relieved we did end up being a match, because there's just something about you that draws me in. It'd be hard for me to get used to another guy.

Larry: Is it my winning charm and confidence? ;)

Andi: Ha, you wish. I think it's the hair. ;)

Larry: Well, I think you're more than just good hair and a pretty face, Andi. I had a lot of fun with you these past few weeks.

Andi: Maybe we can have some more fun of our own once this whole thing wraps up. Oh, by the way, what do you plan to do with the money?

Larry: Hmm...I can finally use it to start working on that music show with postmodern elements that I've been meaning to do for a few years now. I think now's a good time to start to because I think I've found my muse.

Andi: But what about your ex?

Larry: I think it's about time to move on from the past and learn from my mistakes. Especially when I have...a much brighter future to look forward to. :)

Andi: It's just too bad we never got to go into the truth booth. I would've loved to spend time with you in that suite.

Larry: Well, we can have our own little suite once we get out. And maybe we can have the kind of fun that's not suitable for TV. ;)

Andi: Larry! You're so bad!

Later that day, Colleen finds Scot playing pool with Larry. should have been there! She had the roundest butt I've ever seen! Hahaha and the other girls were-

Scot stops talking when Larry points in Colleen's direction.

Scot: Oh hey sweetheart! I didn't hear you coming.

Colleen: Please don't call me that. Can we talk for a second?

Scot: Of course my dear. Anytime.

Colleen rolls her eyes and walks with him to a quiet corner.

Scot: Oh I see, you want to be alone with me grins

Colleen: Please stop that. I'm not your sweetheart or your girl. In fact, I don't think it's working out with us.

Scot: But the truth booth said...

Colleen: I don't care what the truth booth said or anyone else! It's just not working out. You have eyes for other girls and that's not what I'm looking for in a relationship. We had a good time on our first dates but that's it.

Scot: ....

Colleen: I'm sorry, but it's not like you really care about me, do you?

Scot: ....

Colleen: ....

Colleen turns around and walks away.

Larry: Dude what just happened?

Scot: Eh I dumped her. Just because the truth booth said we were meant together doesn't mean I have to stay with her. There are too many other pretty girls out there.

Larry: You sure it wasn't the other way around?

Victoria looks out of the window, deep in her own thoughts.
Brianna and Scot have a nice chat about past events when they walked across her.

Brianna *whispering*: Do you think I should talk to her?"

Scot *whispering back*: Are you serious right now? She hates you, and you hate her. Why is she really worth your time?

Brianna: Because Colleen told me about something that happened between Victoria and Russel. It seems like he hurt her. And as much as I hate her, I'm way too good hearted to let this go.

Scot *smiling*: And that's why my brother fell in love with you, always being selfless and help others no matter how bad they are.

Brianna goes to Victoria and does something she might regret sometime...

Brianna: Are you okay, Victoria?

Victoria: Waaah, oh, it's you. At least you're not Russel, so you don't need to smack your face. But none of this is in your concern. Would you mind letting me alone now?

Brianna: Listen, I know what happened from Colleen, about that Russel hurt you and stole her breakfast.

Victoria: I will repeat this once and for all, NONE of this is in your concern.

Brianna: If somebody in this house is being rude to others it's automatically my concern. Don't act so shallow and fake your strength. If Russel really did hurt you, he has to face the consequences.

Victoria tries to act like she can handle this on her own, but it's like something in her cracks at the moment when Brianna mentioned that name again, she couldn't take it any longer. She suddenly started to cry, and this time for a serious matter.

Victoria *crying*: Okay you are right, Russel is such a pig!!!

Brianna: Please, tell me everything that happened.

Victoria started to tell Brianna everything, from the situation in the kitchen till the moment he made the sexist comments on her.

Victoria: I will admit that I slapped him, but at this moment I was so mad and angry, it just satisfied me to punch his face. I went shopping because I thought it would ease my pain, but it didn't help either. On my way back here I had much time to think, mostly because it rained and this town doesn't have a proper bus system. By seeing him being a total plum I actually came to the realization that I wasn't that much better, not only the last 4 weeks, but also almost my whole life.

Brianna still listens, is shocked.

Victoria: Well, there is actually something that nobody knows except for me, this all caused my behavior and I genuinely regret it...

She has to clear her throat.

Victoria: My mum wasn't missing, she got my own father!

Scot listened to everything and finally finds a word.

Scot: What? You must be joking! This is ridiculous!

Victoria: But it is true, I saw it with my own eyes.

Victoria tells both Scot and Brianna about this night. Her parents were seen as a dream duo, but behind the cameras, it looked different. Her father had a huge alcohol problem because he wasn't that successful with his newest collection, and he always let the anger out on her mum. One night it escalated so bad that her father accidently pushed her mum through the window of their big villa. Victoria needed to promise to not tell anyone about it, but he promised her to tell the police everything. Victoria believed him, but once she played in the backyard and wanted to play with the earth, she found the bones of her mum, she was just 9 years old then. She completely lost the faith in humanity and turned to the evil side from then on. With her luxurious behavior and wild lifestyle, she wanted to suck the money and the life from her dad, the one who had stolen the life of the most amazing person she had ever known.

Victoria: I know I was a plum, and I still am a plum. But mostly I acted that way because nobody was supposed to see me cry. I didn't trust anybody, turned into a shopping and surgery addict, and started to torture others. Sometimes even torture myself. It went so high that I actually turned into a monster. And I'm so sorry for everything I've ever done to you. I know you will probably hate me forever and I understand if you don't believe me, I deserve that.

Brianna: Victoria, even though it is hard for me to believe everything else, I believe that you are sorry for everything. I can see honesty in people, and I believe you there. And now, if you excuse me, Russel is in big trouble for the sexist things he said.

Dear Mayor of Appaloosa Plains,

I am writing to you to petition to have my son, Collin, made a natural citizen of Appaloosa Plains.  I was abducted several weeks ago by an alien while filming a reality show called AYTO.  I was the only one without a true love match -- you can imagine how heartbreaking that is.

Anyway, the birth of my son, Collin, made me realize that love can come in all shapes and sizes.  No, my love of Collin is not how my love of Colleen might be -- but it is love.  It is pure and sweet and untainted.  If my son is taken away from me I will be devastated.

The female alien said she would return to remove Collin to her world, but she hasn't shown up.  I don't want her to show up.  I want to keep Collin as my son and raise him in Appaloosa Plains -- alone if I must.  I was orphaned as a youth when my parents were eaten by a whale while boating.  I know what it is like to be raised without both parents.  But I was raised by a loving aunt and uncle -- and I know what a child needs to thrive and be successful and feel loved.

Anyway -- Dear Mayor -- I want to keep my son.  I have already spoken to my aunt and uncle and I have their full support.

Sergeant Gray

Lillian: OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. We're actually a perfect match!

Gerard: Yeah, I can hardly believe it myself.

Lillian: That I'm your match? *raises eyebrow

Gerard:, well, didn't mean...

Lillian: Haha, I'm just teasing.

Gerard: Haha. So...uh...we've gone on two dates, but we haven't really gotten to know each other that much. Do you want to tell me more about yourself?

Lillian: I think I haven't told you my job yet. I'm a columnist in our newspaper back home. I also like books and science.

Gerard: Oh, I did great at science back in school. I also like the occasional book or two. Well, I took up criminology back in college, and right now I'm training in the forensics department of the local police.

Lillian: So you're an officer, huh? I guess it suits you, with your fit and athletic build. ;)

Gerard: Oh, heh, thanks. I think you'd be a good writer too. You definitely have this intelligent aura about you. I've sensed it since our first week in the house.

Lillian: Just an aura? So you don't think I'm actually smart?

Gerard: Well, no, I didn't mean...

Lillian: I'm just kidding! Thank you, that means a lot.

Gerard: Haha. You got me. Well, we've gotten 8 correct matches so far. I'm sure Hope and Edgar are the 9th.

Lillian: Yeah, everyone could see it a mile away.

Gerard: I think that means the show is ending soon, then. So we win the prize.

Lillian: Yeah.

Gerard: Do you think we'll make this work once we're back in the real world?

Lillian: God, I hope so.

Lavender stands by the counter, leaning backwards in toxic bliss.
Suddenly, her hands slide out from under her, thumping her head into the stone top.

Lavender: Woah! AYY!

Lavender reels back, dazed. Lilian enters, and glances at her, before turning to open the fridge. Lavender stamps her foot. The kitchen whirls around her.

Lilian takes out a bottle of orange juice from the fridge.

Lilian: ...Hmm, no milk again. I'll split this with Alani, though. She...

A cold sweat breaks out over Lavender's body.


Lilian turns to face Lavender.

Lilian: Ye-es?

Lavender gasps to catch her breath. She shivers.

Lavender: I... Err..

She coughs.

Lilian: Lavender? What's wrong? Are you okay?

Lavender's legs shake under her.

Lavender: What? Yes! Yes! I'm JUST fine! Leave me alone!

She catches her breath again and shivers violently.

Lilian hesitates.

Lilian: Let me pour you a glass of water.

Lavender: I can do it MYSELF.

Lavender extends a shaking hand over to the tap and fills a glass of water to the brim. She sips it deftly.

Lavender: See?

Lilian: Well... Okay, then.

Lavender shivers, goosebumps rising on her arms. The glass slips from her sweaty fingers. Lilian turns.

Lilian: Lavender, you ARE sick.

Lavender: I'm NOT sick, Nael!

Lilian: It's Lilian.

Lavender: I know that! I'm not sick!

Lilian: Walk to me, then.

Lavender takes a few shaky steps, before slipping in the puddle of water and glass.

Lavender: WOAH!

Lilian: ...

Lavender: Lilian?

Lilian: Lavender?

Lavender: I think I might be sick.

Lilian: You don't say.

Lavender: ...

Lilian: Come on. I'll help you to the couch.

Lavender moans softly on the cough pillow. Alani crouches by her side.

Alani: You okay, Lavender?

Lavender: Yes... Of course I am. Urgh.

Alani: Do you want water?

Lavender: No, please. Lilian has been force feeding me the stuff.

Alani: You should be sweating out all your fluid, though.

Lavender: I'm not... sweating! My forehead is.... Dry.

Alani feels Lavender's head carefully.

Alani: You're right. But that's worse.

Lavender: ...I'm not sick.

Alani: You might have to go home. You're running a temperature.

Lavender: I can't be. I'm freezing.

Alani: Is that why you're feeling so hot?

Lavender: Probably! People don't understand! Hey! Where did you go?

Alani: I'm right here, Lavender.

Lavender: Oh, right. Sorry.

Lavender shivers. A wave of tiredness hits her.

Lavender: Oh........

Alani: ...?

Lavender: .....

Alani: .....ired...?

Lavender: .....mmmm........mmm.....m...

Lavender drifts slowly into sleep.

The clock is twelve. Lavender awakens.

The fridge's door is open and beckoning, the colours of the treats within captivating: A rainbow of temptation short of recognition. The fridge's low buzz is the only indication of presence.

A pair of eyes stare out from under a long brim, as fireflies in the fog-- Glowing despite their obscured obscurity. Their line of sight is focussed singly, enchanted. The milk jug: a perfect, flawless vessel for the moonlight held within.

Nael leans closer, breathing deeply of its essence. He lets a waxy hand caress its smooth contours, drinking in the coolth and the simplicity. A sigh escapes his lips in a hiss, before he turns.

Lavender stands before him, glowing dimly in the soft fluorescent light-- A dying angel bathing in silvery waters. She places a sweaty hand on the marble counter surface and swats at a nearby mosquito. Her eyes wide and unfocused. She coughs weakly.

He is on her in a pulse, then withdraws. A naked hand remains to rest upon her forehead, then slides away. She sways dizzily as she steps back.

Her mouth opens in response to this invasion, but struggles to form the words to complete it, or indeed begin. Only a name, and a feeling.

Lavender: ...Nael, ...yes? Yes.... Yes.

Lavender: Yes, you are Nael.

Nael nods curtly once, then again, slower. He turns back towards the fridge, placing two hands upon the slender waist of the cold glass. He lifts it carefully, politely, with a firm, unfaltering grip.

A solid left hand holds his relic high, just above Lavender's head, whilst his right holds her down, pressing upon her lids, her lips, and bows her head as if in prayer.

The air seems to hold for an instant, indeed the silent note played by shock upon breath was moving to touch gravity, before the release of the inevitable. A waterfall by mute of muted, there is only silence as the milk cascades upon Lavender's breathing neck, smoothing her hair with its pale arms, and rippling down her back to the floor: A thousand emotions unbound and unwritten, memories unrecorded-- lost to all not touched, yet all are.

Lavender's head snaps up after being released. She cries out in protest and then holds as he turns away, leaving only a breath.

Nael snaps the fridge door closed, and glides soundlessly towards the door in silence, leaving Lavender shivering with more than cold or fever.

The moon bursts into tears of light between shredded clouds.

Lavender scrunches her eyes tight, then opens them fully. The kitchen ceiling greets her gaze. She tries to sit up, but is pulled down by her hair, which seems to be stuck to the floor. She moves a hand to loosen it. A few damp dregs of milk dribble down off some of the thicker bunches.

She sits idle for a moment, before being hit with realization.

Her fever is gone.

A Taxi parks outside of the AYTO house with a screech of the old rusty brakes.

The car door swings open violently and out steps a rather strange, scrawny, scary looking women who seems eerily familiar...

Mom: Howsh mutch ish dah moneys fur dat taxi Darhling?

Taxi driver: 30 bucks.

Mom: Howsh mwtch?! *Gasps in horror* I ish not payings that, Tis daylight robbery! Yoush only tooks me from dah Hairport!

*She hits the Taxi driver with her handbag... Throws a handful of gold coins at him and storms off towards the front door to the AYTO house*

*Carrying a mountain of luggage and carry-alls the lady rings the doorbell and waits... A few moments later Jade answers the door*

Jade: Hello, Can I help you?

Mom: Yeshpph! *Spitting everywhere* I ish here to see mah boysh, They argh expectings meh!

Jade: Who are you? You don't seem to be on the guest list *She turns and talks to the cameraman* This wasn't planned, What is going on here?

Camera Man: I have no idea, But whatever it is it looks angry, It also kinda looks like T-Roll in a wig.

Mom: T-Roll? Thatsh mah son! He goes away frum home to be ona shoe, Left me note saying "Momma, Me go find perfect match, Be back in few months" Next thing i nose, I see's him and his best friend Tim on dah TV! Me thinks, I gotta goo save them frum all those ladies. They not write for them! *Starts to sob* I miss dem terrorbelly, Itsh not dah same at home withouts dem...

Jade: Okay, You can come in...

*Mom stops sobbing immediately and pushes past Jade to get in the house, Leaving her mountain of luggage on the doorstep for Jade and the Camera man to bring inside*

Jade: Well now what do we do? I don't think we have room for another guest.

*Meanwhile inside Mom is searching for her "Boys" and has stopped to ask for help*

Mom: Excuses meh young lady, Haz you seen mah boysh? One looks like meh with no hair, Other looks like homeless surfer guy.

Laureo: Sorry no, Hey T-Roll what are you doing in that wig?

Mom: It ish not wig! How dares yoush impertinent child!

Mom: Excuses meh mister man, You know mah boysh?

Edgar: I'm afraid not Mademoiselle, But before you depart might I have the pleasure of knowing your name?

Mom: Of coursh you handsome devil, Mah names ish T-Lady but you can call meh Mom.

Edgar: Until we meet again fair lady...

Mom: I hash not the time for this sap! Meh must finds my deer shweet little bog mites.

*Later still, T-Roll and Tim are in the garden*

T-Roll: Any lucksh on yer perfect match Tim?

Tim: Sort of and not, I mean I got hundreds of people asking to be my perfect match but none that are compatible yet.

T-Roll: Really?

Tim: *Sighs* No, I haven't gotten any clue who it is and everyone else is so sure who their match is.

*Tim spots T-Roll's mother emerging from the bushes*

Mom: *Talking to herself* Welp, They ish not hidings ind there's like that Lemon-Lime girl shed.

Tim: *Shouting over to her* Hey Mrs T! Over here!

*T-Roll now spots his mom in the distance*

*He runs over to give her a hug*

T-Roll: Momma!

Mom: T-Rolly!

Tim: Mrs T!

Mom: Ah, Guy who shmells funny!

Tim: Gee, Thanks. I guess i'll take that as a compliment. *Laughs*

Mom: I ish so glad i finds you both, I read yer note, I seens you on dah TV. I knew thats the only way yoush find a proper wife is if yer Momma helps you. Dont worries Darhlings, I choosey best match fur you boths. Nowsh, Let's get to work...

To be continued...