Saturday, February 11, 2017

Episode 5 - A Whole New World

Sergeant: Wow! This place is just wow! 

Lavender: It is… Where are we now?

Berry: Aunty Lynd’s Castle Keep…

Andi: Yep A Medieval fiefdom….

Colleen: And I can’t wait to explore this place… What do you guys say? Will we turn the town red?

Scot: Sounds like a brilliant plan!

Larry: So what are we waiting for? Let’s go! 

First stop the Market….

Scot and Colleen finds themselves in a room with a nectar maker machine… 

Colleen: Let’s make nectar….

Scot: You really want to? Do you know how? 

Colleen: Hehe not really… But from the time there in the dungeon’s cellar I was wondering how will it be to make your own…  Hope this fruit will do the trick…

*putting grapes and life fruit in the bucket*

Scot: Do you know what? 

Colleen: What? Do you think I can’t do this? 

Scot: No…. I really think you can but what I’m trying to say is that I like you… A lot! I love your zest for life…  I just love the way how you do things... I like the way you smile at me.. I just love you! * Making a move to take her in his arms*

But before he could she jumps into the tub...

Colleen: *Hopefully Scot doesn’t sees me blushing…* Hey I have nectar to make!

Scot: But what if we are the perfect match? I really think one of that lights are us…  

Colleen pretends not hearing him... 

Scot: Stop doing that! Listen to me!

*But Colleen doesn’t want to… She continues to squish the fruit* 

Scot: Hey Alani…! I’m glad you’re here….

Alani: Oh…. It looks like you two are having fun… *looking at Colleen in the tub*

Scot: Maybe Colleen do have fun…! But I need her to talk to me… She keeps on avoiding me…  

Alani: Oh? What is it about?

Sergeant: Oh here you are… I was looking for you all over the place…

Alani: Hey….! *then to Scot* I’m sorry I will listen to you at another time…

And starts talking to Sergeant...

Scot: How long will this take?*asking colleen*

Colleen: I’m almost done… This is going to be so good…. 

Scot: Finally...!

Larry: Do you want something to eat? Can I get us something?

Andi: Aww… That will be nice… What do they serve here?

Larry: Maybe not here but let’s go over to the diner…

Andi: Aww… Isn’t there a less formal food stand or something… I don’t think we’re dressed for that place… Look at me…

Larry: Aww… You’re looking beautiful… 

Andi: *blushing* Okay let's go then...

Back home…

Lavender: What would you say? Is this sunflower plastic or the true real done deal?

Alani: Mmm… I don’t know… What do you think?

Berry: Did I tell you my parents are leprechauns….? And because of that I’m a very lucky person… 

Lavender: Oh no! Are you a leprechaun too? 

Larry: No silly… We all know he is the tooth fairy…

Berry: That you didn’t know…? Awesome hey? 

Scot: Did you guys hear that?

Andi: What?

Scot: Just what Berry told Lavender just now? 

Colleen: Oh that…  I did hear that story before… Berry told us from the first time he arrived here… 

Scot: Hehe… Isn’t that funny…? He really think he is a tooth fairy and his parents are leprechauns?

Sergeant: Yep… He also believes in Santa Claus, the Sandman, and the Easter Bunny, believing they are his best friends. 

Scot: Haha… 

The following morning they visited a new place… The Magical circle….  

 Lavender: *wiping her eyes* Do I really see what I’m seeing?

Berry: What do you see? Looks like an old Castle to me…

Andi: I am seeing pebbles and rocks floating in the air…. Wow!

Alani: That’s what I’m seeing too… So I'm not imagining it?

Larry: Nope… I’m seeing that also… That’s really amazing…. 

Scot: Almost like the floating Castle… 

Colleen: Do you guys also feel the magic that’s in the air?

Berry: Yep…! Let’s go explore the place… Maybe I will find a long lost family member…

Sergeant: Or a little girl got a job for the tooth fairy… Hehe

Scot: Wow! The view is breath taking from up here…

Colleen: Hehe… *blushing* You’re not looking at the view…

Scot: My view is gorgeous… Come on say it?

Colleen: What?

Scot: That you love me too and that we are a perfect match… Tomorrow will show it!

Colleen: That’s if they will be voting for us to be in the truth booth…

Scot: Oh they will… Definitely they will… Who can’t see that we’re not a match made in the sims heaven… ?

Colleen: Haha… 

Scot: But you will like it too?

Colleen: Mmmm… Maybe… 

Andi: Can I ask you a question?

Larry: Mmmm… 

Andi: Why did you ask me on a this date? Do you think we are a match?

Larry: Mmmm…

Andi: Larry!

Larry: *almost falls off his chair* Yes! No! I don’t know…  

Andi: *blushing* I’m sorry… I startled you… And you don’t have to answer me… I guess we all don’t know… We need to work it out… *more to herself… Larry all forgotten in the chess game*

Their next visit is the beautiful Victoria’s Circle Park…

Colleen: Wow! This place is really beautiful…

Andi: Yep and there is still more to see…

Alani: It’s really bad we don’t have enough time to explore the whole town…

Lavender: Yep… It’s a pity… But I’m glad I can see another place other than my own home and the AYTO house…

Larry: The AYTO house isn’t bad… I would like to stay in a place like that myself…

Scot: If it wasn’t for the death smell in the floating Caste I would’ve liked to stay there…

Colleen: Yep but then all of the people living there must know the in and the out of the place… 

Berry: I love the Vampire’s room… I will like to stay there… I think my parents will like the place too…

Sergeant: Yeah… I feel really bad that Edgar couldn’t see this place… I’m sure he would’ve enjoyed it very much…

Then they visit the Stadium…

And another breath taking scene is the Troll’s swamp…

Beautiful…. Isn’t it…?

And then it’s their last day at Aunty Lynd’s Castle Keep… 

Sergeant: Uhm… Loveley dress you’re wearing, Lavender… It’s suits you and I like your hair too… Gray and Lavender really go well together.

Lavender: Aww… Thanks… That’s nice of you saying that… 

Alani: Why are you looking at me like that?

Sergeant: Aww… Did I? I’m sorry… *Thinking… “OMG, she is so pretty and she is so out of my league.  She looks like one of those hula dancers my uncle used to have on the dashboard of his car -- you know the ones that wobble when you go over a bump real quick?  I wonder what she would look like in a grass skirt playing a ukulele.  I should ask her if she plays the ukulele.  Oh, no!!  She would think I was an idiot.  What am I thinking??? I am an idiot!” *

Alani: Do you want to say something?

Sergeant: Uhm… Yeah… Thanks for choosing me… Hehe I really thought I’m the invisible man… 

Colleen: Haha… If I didn’t know better I would have sworn there’s something brewing between the two of you…

Lavender: I wonder who will be in the truth booth tonight?

Berry: Definitely the two of us...! We are a match…! Can’t you see?

Alani: I think Scot and Colleen are a perfect match…

Scot: You see? *smirking* I told you everybody can see we are a match… 

And then their date is over… One last view of Aunty Lynd’s Castle Keep, a Medieval Fiefdom…

Back home and 2 hours before the Truth Booth and Matching Ceremony…

Mmm… Why are the lights on in the tree house? 

Laureo: Why must she always ask me to do her filthy job….? Come on…! There’s someone coming…

The garden is crisp and soft under night's frozen shroud. The stars twinkle overhead, beaming darkly down at the sleeping earth with a gently piercing glare.

Nael stands in the ghost of a shadow, his own casting another within. A spell of darkness in the presence of light, dark on dark, expression forgotten. A clear milk jug, filled, is clutched heavily in his arms; a little baby nestled in ice. Violently pure, the silent endure.

All... is... still.

A breathing stagnant pond, or puddle, lies sleeping before him, icy in Shadow's gaze. A black mirror: perfect and untouched; whole. An empty full moon sleeps still within.

A strong arm lifts, and tips the milk up, down upon the sleeping moon reflected, rejected. Rippling out in circles of attention, shattering the dark glowing orb, and awakening it. The moon shivers as if flaming, then collects itself in its image.

All is still once again, and remains. Nael places the jug down beside the water, then turns to drift silently... homewards.

Laureo: So I’m thinking of your prank lately… 

Maxwell: So are you still cross with me?

Laureo: Cross? I actually think it’s was awesome! Something I would’ve think of… But oh well I didn't think of it first… I will have to think of something else…

Maxwell: You really like it? 

Laureo: Yep! And I just know the guy who can help me with what I’m planning… You!

Maxwell: Planning? What?

Laureo: Just say yes…. I will fill you in with the details later…

Maxwell: Okay… I guess… 

Gerard: Can I join you girls…

Victoria: Sure… Be my guest…

Gerard: So who did you girls vote for the truth booth?

Lillian: Mmm… I think it’s between the Larry couple and the Berry couple… I’m still deciding…

Gerard: What? You didn’t vote yet?

Lillian: Oh yes I did… I’m still deciding who is a perfect match among us…

Victoria: Mmm… They are actually a cute couple… But I don’t think they are a perfect match…

Gerard: Who are you talking about?

Victoria: Mmm… Actually I don’t think any of them are a match…

Gerard: ….

Lillian: Hey guys look… A shooting star….

Victoria: Where? Oh just don’t make a wish…

Lillian: Why?

Victoria: Can’t you remember the first season…? Joye and Grim, I think they were, switched bodies when Joye wished she was like her sister… 

Gereard: Oh I remember that… 

Brianna: What? Are you afraid you will be in my ''black'' body….. Haha that would have been funny… It’s a pity I didn’t see that…

Victoria: You really want to be in my body?

Brianna: Not really but it would’ve be fun to see you in my body… The racist white girl…

Victoria: I don’t think it’s funny… You B@#$%^& !!! Take this!

Victoria: And don’t you ever dare to make fun of me!!!

Victoria: And to think of you being in my beautiful white body…. Eeuwe!

Lillian: Hehe.. Those two… So tell me do you know who are your match yet?

Russell: Mmmm… I still don’t know… But it’s funny how….

Lillian: What?

Russell: Nothing… It can’t be… That’s ridiculous just to think of that…

Lillian: You can share with me… Do you feel something for someone?

Russell: I can’t say now… Maybe I will share it with you later…

Later that evening...
Jade: So guys and girls did you like your date?

Scott: Aww it was a nice awesome place! 

Andi: And we had fun...

Jade: Cool! So are you ready to hear who you voted to be in the truth booth?

Everybody: Oh yes!

Jade: So…. Do you think the couple that you voted for will be a perfect match?

Everybody: Jade….!!!!

Jade: Okay… Hehe…  This was really a close call… With only one vote difference between the other couples the couple who are going to the truth booth is….

Jade: Scott and Colleen!

Jade: So do you guys think they are a perfect match?

Everybody: Yes! Definitely!

Jade: Okay let’s see if you are right….

Locking in…. Locking in…. 

Everybody: Yes! They are!

Colleen: We are?

Jade: Yep… Looks like that!

Scot: What did I tell you! *grabbing and kissing her* (oops forgot to take that photo…)

Jade: Okay… Now we know there is at least one perfect match… Do you guys think there will be more?

Everybody: Yes! 

Jade: Okay let’s do the choosing first… T-Roll you first…

Jade: So T-Roll tell me how did you feel to find out that you and Laureo wasn’t a perfect match after all?

T-Roll: Ish whash a bit sad butsh then meesh findsh her…

Jade: You found her? You found your perfect match? How?

T-Roll: Eesh gosh to the swinsh and thersh she was…

Jade: Who? And how did you know it was her?

T-Roll: Laurey…. Andsh she telsh mesh so… 

Jade: So you found Laurey on the swings and she told you that she is your perfect match?

T-Roll: Yeash! Jush liksh that… Andsh wesh livsh hapillysh ever after… Jush like the storiesh meesh momma telsh me… 

Jade: Okay… I guess then Laurey is the one you choose now?

T-Roll: Yesh!

Jade: Laurey… Why did you tell him that you are a perfect match? Do you believe that?

Laurey: Hehe… Yes for sure… 

Jade: Okay let’s see what the matching machine thinks… let’s lock you in…

Locking in… Locking in… 

Jade: And the next one is…. Tim!

Jade: So Tim…. Who are you going to choose this week?

Tim: Victoria…

Jade: Okay… Do you think you can be a match?

Tim: I can just hope…

Jade: Okay Victoria… How do you feel about your man this week?

Victoria: Mmm… Maybe a little thin in the arms but let’s see…

Jade: Okay let’s see what the matching machine thinks… 

Locking in… Locking in…

Jade: Okay next up is Maxwell…

Jade: So Maxwell… Who do you think is your perfect match? Do you feel you know her?

Maxwell: I still don’t know… But I will choose Hope this week… 

Jade: Mmm… So Hope how do you feel about Maxwell? Do you think you are a match?

Hope: *sighs* No, this is not what I was hoping for… *looks at Edgar* I don't think we are a match but to be fair I haven't got to know Maxwell that well yet. We'll see what happens...

Jade: Okay… Let’s see what the matching machine thinks…

Locking in… locking in….

Jade: Okay… Next up is Neal….

Jade: Okay Neal show us who you want to choose this week…

Neal pointing to Brianna…

Jade: Brianna what do you think of your man this week?

Brianna: Mmm… I like a man that rather do than talks… hehe

Jade: Hehe… That’s another way to say it… Okay let’s see if you are a match…

Locking in… Locking in….

Jade: Mr Edgar! Let’s hear who you think are your fine lady…

Edgar: Mmm… I’m really not happy because everybody knows how I’m feeling about Hope… *giving Maxwell the evil eye* But just because I need to choose I will choose Laureo… But I know we are not a match…

Jade: Aww… I’m sorry about this Mr Edgar… But do you feel the two of you can be a match? You and hope I mean...

Edgar: Yes for sure, Mademoiselle J! The moment I laid my eyes upon her, I knew… I don’t have to seek further… I found my match in the fine lady Hope… *turning to Laureo and apologise* I’m sorry about this. You are a nice girl. But I did find my match in Hope. 
Laureo: It’s fine Mr Edgar… I understand. You don’t have to apologize…

Jade: Okay… Let’s lock you in…

Locking in… Locking in…

Jade: Okay that leaves us with Russell and Lillian… 

Jade: Russell you didn’t choose Lillian, but how do you two feel about each other…

Russell: I think Lillian is an awesome friend…

Jade: Just a friend?

Russell: Yep… Maybe we are a match… You tell us… Are we?

Jade: Haha… You know I can’t tell you that… But okay let’s see what do the matching machine thinks of you two…

Locking in… Locking in…

Jade: Aww… Gerard… Next time okay…?

Gerard: Hehe… Yeah…

Jade: Okay like I said earlier let’s see how many correct matches you have…

Jade: And afterwards I also got some news for you guys…  But first up let’s see what the lights are telling us… Lights please!

Jade: At least we know there is one… come on… Or were they wrong about the couple…?

Scot: Never!

Jade: There you are… Scott and Colleen… Let’s see if there’s more….

Come on let there be more….

Everybody: Yes! Another one…. Who can that be?

T-Roll: Laurey and Ish… hehe… Ish telsh you guysh!

Victoria: Aww… you don’t know that! 

Berry: I think it’s Lavender and me!

Jade: Okay guys… Let’s see if there will be more… Let’s hope…

Everybody: Awesome! Another one!!!! Woot…!

Jade: Are you guys lucky enough for another one?

Jade: Looks like not… Awww…

Jade: Okay guys and girls… I got good news and I also got bad news… What do you want to hear first…?

Everybody: The good news!

Jade: Okay… The good news is that Scot and Colleen will host the next season because they are the first perfect match for this season… 

Everybody: Yay! And the bad news…?

Jade: As we all know in this show where there is an extra person, whenever the girl or guy that have two matches got her or his perfect match confirmed in the truth booth the extra person will have to go home…. 

Everybody: Oh no...

Jade: I'm afraid it is so... But luckily in the previous season it didn’t happened and everybody was in the show until the end… But unfortunately it didn’t happen in this show… 

Everybody: It didn't...?

Jade: Nope... Colleen here do have two matches… And as we know Scot and Colleen are confirmed as a perfect match…

Everybody: *shocked* Oh no! So who is her second match?

Jade: I’m sorry to say it is………….

Jade: Sergeant… I’m so sorry… 

Everybody: Oh no.....

Jade: But....

Everybody: What?

Jade: I’m lying about going home… You are staying here until the end to help me with the show…

Sergeant: Really? I’m staying to help you?

Jade: Yep! That’s right! You are now officially the Co-Host…

Everybody: Woot! Woot! 

Jade: Okay this is the end of tonight’s event… Good night!

So now that you got a confirmed match and Sergeant is out of the picture... Will you guys and girls get your perfect matches sooner?

Until the next Episode!

Aunty Lynd's Castle Keep...

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